NOVEMBER 12, 2011
AMC's Mission Statement
The Appalachian Mountain Club promotes the protection, enjoyment and stewardship of the mountains, forests, waters, and trails of the Appalachian region. We believe that mountains, forests, and waters have intrinsic worth and also provide recreational opportunities, spiritual renewal, and ecological and economic health for the region. Because successful conservation depends on active engagement with the outdoors, we encourage people to experience, learn about, appreciate, and understand the natural world.
2011 Annual Report
Narragansett Chapter - Appalachian Mountain Club
Annual Report contents:
Meeting Agenda
Minutes of the 2010 Annual Meeting
Chapter Chair Report
Chapter Leadership and Member Accomplishments for 2011
Treasurer Report
Committee Reports
Leader Summaries
Stewardship Awards
1. Meeting Agenda
6:00pm – 6:30pm Social
6:30pm – 7:15pm Business Meeting
> Moment of silence – members who have passed away
> Business matters
- Approval of 2010 Annual Meeting Minutes
- Recognition of 2011 Executive Board
- Recognition of 2011 Sub-Committee Chairs
- Vote to approve 2012 Executive Board
- Introduction of 2012 Sub-Committee Chairs
- Report of Chapter Chair
- Treasurers’ Report
> Awards
- 25-year members
- New Leader Awards
- Prolific Leader Awards
- Stewardship Awards – Trail work
- Stewardship Awards – Conservation
John Clarke Award
- Appie of the Year Award
7:15pm – 7:45pm Dinner
7:40pm – 7:45pm Raffle prizes
7:45pm – 7:50pm Greetings from REI Rita Shaffer
7:50pm – 8:00 pm Dessert/Coffee Break
8:00pm – 8:10pm Greetings from AMC Staff Kevin Breunig
8:10pm – 9:00pm Guest Speaker Ruth “Sam” Jamke, AMC Regional Director
Minutes of the Annual Meeting, November 13, 2010
Chapter Chair Tom Eagan, called the meeting to order at Save the Bay Headquarters in Providence, RI at 6:30 PM.
Attending: Tom Eagan, Chapter Chair; Larry Rollins, Jerry Bernardini Past-Chairs; Bonnie England, Vice Chair, Debbie Mitchell, Treasurer, Jeannine Peterson, Secretary; Chris Shafer, Activities Chair; Linda Pease, Conservation Co-Chair; Robin Kuznitz, Membership Committee; Mark Dennen, Communications Chair; Mike Krabach, Webmaster; Jack Schempp, Conservation Co-Chair; Herrick Spencer, Local Hikes; Shannon Kelley, Photographer/Journalist; Peter Barlow and Brian Phillips, Technical Climbing; Ed Poyer, Northern Hikes; Ilse Hill Gazette Editor.
An estimated 100 chapter members, friends and family were present in addition to the leadership and executive board members listed. Tom opened the meeting with a moment of silence recognizing chapter members Paul Dargie and Patricia Schrieber who passed away during the past year.
2010 Annual Meeting Minutes: The 2010 Annual Meeting minutes were provided to attendees. Tom asked for a motion to accept the 2010 Annual Meeting Minutes. The motion was made and accepted.
2010 Executive Board and Sub-Committee Chairs: Tom identified the 2010 Executive Committee and Sub-Committee Chairs
> 2010 Executive Board
- Chair: Tom Eagan
- Vice Chair: Bonnie England
- Secretary: Jeannine Peterson
- Treasurer: Debbie Mitchell
- Membership Chair: Robin Kuznitz
- Membership Sub-Chair: Mary Bonaventure
- Communications Co-Chairs: Mark Dennen and Shannon Kelley
- Activities Chair: Chris Shafer
- Leadership Chair: Charlie Killam
- Conservation Co-Chairs: Jack Schempp and Linda Pease
- Trails Chairs: Elise Del Barone
- Past Chairs: Gene Mihaly and Larry Rollins
> Committee Leaders for 2010
- Local Hikes – Herrick Spencer
- Biking – Marcie Madsen
- Skiing – Dan and Bunny Reardon
- Backpacking and Northern Hikes – Ed Poyer
- Technical Climbing – Brian Phillips, Peter Barlow
> Committee Leaders for 2010 (continued)
- Sea Kayaking – Mike Krabach
- Flatwater – Linda Pease
- Family Outings – Deb Mitchell, Tom Eagan
- Young Members – Chris Turgeon
- Webmaster – Mike Krabach
- Newsletter Editor - Ilse Hill
- Archivist – Sandy Savella
All leaders were thanked for their contributions to our Chapter.
Introduction of Chapter Leaders for 2011. Tom then introduced the 2011 Executive Board and Sub-Committee Leaders
Executive Board
- Chair: Bonnie England
- Vice Chair: Debbie Mitchell
- Secretary: Jeannine Peterson
- Treasurer: Tom Eagan
- Membership Chair: Robin Kuznitz
- Communications Co-Chair: Mark Dennen and Shannon Kelley
- Activities Chair: Chris Shafer
- Leadership Chair: (open)
- Conservation Co-Chair: Linda Pease
- Trails Chairs: Elise Del Barone
- Past Chair: Tom Eagan
Introduction of Committee Leaders for 2011.
Sub Chairs
- Local Hikes – Herrick Spencer
- Biking – Marcie Madsen
- Skiing – Dan and Bunny Reardon
- Backpacking and Northern Hikes – Ed Poyer
- Technical Climbing – Brian Phillips, Peter Barlow
- Sea Kayaking – Mike Krabach
- Flatwater – Linda Pease
- Family Outings – Deb Mitchell, Tom Eagan
- Young Members – Chris Turgeon and Scott Disnard
- Webmaster – Mike Krabach
- Newsletter Editor -
- Archivist – Sandy Savella
A motion was made to accept the proposed Executive Board for 2011.The motion to accept the slate of officers for 2011 was seconded and approved.
Chapter Chair’s Report: Tom highlighted the Executive Board’s goals for 2010 which included: better recognition of leaders, increased trip offerings for families and increased membership with better engagement of members. He noted that during 2009, the Chapter profiled a number of leaders in the Gazette, published several articles highlighting the challenges leaders face and the board created the Golden Appie Award (a lifetime achievement award). As a consequence of re-establishing the Family Outings Committee, there were a number of family activities and events and even a story published in the Gazette, and during 2009 member was actually slightly up. Overall, Tom noted that even though we are the 3rd smallest Chapter in the AMC, we are very active with 270 events in 2009 and there are 40 activities alone scheduled for December. In closing, Tom challenged attendees to try new activities and volunteer as a leader or co-leader.
Treasurers Report: Debbie Mitchell, the Chapter Treasurer presented the Treasurers Report. Debbie reported the Chapter is solid financially and will break-even on its 2010 budget by the end of 2010.
Awards: Tom presented the 25 and 50 year membership awards to:
25 Year Member Awards (* attending tonight)
- Howard Stone - Michael Malloy
- Mike Nowak - Liz Kroll
- Roseann Evans - Jim Dunn
50 Year Member Award (* attending tonight)
- George Ernst
- Joann Watson
Chris Shafer, the Chapter’s Activities Chair presented the New Leader Awards and the Prolific Leader Awards (see full listing in the Annual Meeting package)
Linda Peace the Chapter’s Conservation Co-Chair then presented the Stewardship Awards (see full listing in the Annual Meeting package)
John Clark Award: Bonnie England presented the John Clark Award to Debbie Mitchell for her outstanding dedication and hard work as Chapter Treasurer and co-Chair of the Family Outings Committee.
Appie of the Year: Ed Poyer presented the 2010 Appie of the Year Award to Denise Poyer. Denise is one of our chapter’s most prolific leaders, she has been leading since 1998. Additionally, Denise is a strong developer and mentor of aspiring leaders. She is a wonderful representative of the AMC to the greater community, and volunteers for many other organizations with a focus on protection and conservation of our natural world.
Business portion of the meeting was then adjourned and dinner was served.
Guest Speaker: Tom then introduced our after dinner speaker Erika Bloom who gave an inspiring presentation on her experiences on safari and at Kilimanjaro. Her visuals were beautiful and several attendees were motivated to ask Erika how they too could make that trip with her.
Meeting was then adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Bonnie England, Chair
November 3, 2011
3. Report of the Chapter Chair
The Narragansett Chapter’s 2011 Executive Board assumed leadership in December 2010. We inherited a strong chapter with stable finances, a membership that remains robust at about 2600 members, and with 135 seasoned, skilled leaders in many activity areas. Additionally, our Executive Board is fortified by considerable longevity, with positions filled by dedicated, experienced, hard-working volunteers who give in untold ways to the AMC and especially to our Narragansett Chapter.
The 2011 Executive Board functions in a culture of passionate commitment to the AMC mission by people who truly “walk (and paddle, bike, ski and climb) the talk”. For instance, in 2011 our chapter’s Trails Committee volunteers gave over 1500 hours of time designing, repairing, and maintaining our beautiful Rhode Island trails. Our Chapter leaders provided over 275 activities and trips in 2011. For a small Chapter, we are a very dynamic and busy group!
The current Board was given a set of goals to direct our actions. The goals had been set initially in 2008 by that thoughtful and smart Board looking ahead to identify important focus areas for the next few years. Those goals consisted of better recognizing leaders, offering more activities for families, and maintaining a strong membership. These are still appropriate goals that your Board strives to meet.
This year, we invited AMC staff from Boston to help us align our Chapter goals with the AMC’s Vision 2020 – the AMC “trail map” for the next few years. Your Board will be identifying strategies to meet our own Narragansett Chapter goals and also to support the AMC Vision 2020. We will use a wider range of resources, better utilize technology and social media tools, hold more jointly-offered activities with neighboring chapters and other like-minded agencies, and will strengthen our skills in mentoring and supporting new leaders to enhance our volunteer leader pool. We will strive to redefine and meet our goals, and bring greater satisfaction to our leadership and membership. Working closely with AMC staff from Boston will provide us with additional support and guidance as we transition to a new AMC club President. We will all continue to grow in our role as ambassadors for the outdoors, and continue to make our positive and memorable mark upon our treasured Rhode Island communities, families, and natural resources.
I thank everyone who has served on our Board, led a hike/climb/paddle/bike/ski trip or workshop, participated in any AMC activity or trip this year. I thank everyone who has helped another organization, encouraged a child to leave the couch and get outdoors, everyone who teaches “Leave No Trace” to another, and everyone here tonight, for supporting the work of your Chapter, enjoying friends, and welcoming newcomers.
Thank you.
Bonnie England, Chair
Narragansett Chapter AMC
Chapter Leadership and Member Accomplishments for 2011
135 Volunteer Leaders provided 275Activities/trips to our 2600+ members/others.
Our chapter was awarded three “TAC” grants in 2010, the most recent award a safety equipment grant for trail work volunteers. Multiple trainings and workshops were provided by Chapter volunteer leaders at a variety of community venues on outdoor-related topics
Three very successful and well-attended Chapter-wide events were held: the New Member Pot Luck, the Spring Fling, and the November 2011 Annual Meeting.
Our Chapter received significant recognition through an REI grant. This award of 12K, to be shared among 4 chapters, will provide a variety of trails training workshops for community volunteers through its focus on conservation.
Our Chapter submitted a Special Projects Fund application to AMC for visual projection equipment that will be used for Chapter presentations, trainings and meetings. Leader recognition included regular Gazette articles on individual and group leaders , selecting deserving awardees for the Appie of the Year and John Clark Awards, and the creation of a new Chapter award honoring Bob Cillette award in recognition of his generous, enthusiastic spirit and his ability to get people excited and involved.
Our chapter was applauded by AMC Club staff for developing a new Trip Financial Reporting Policy generated by input from Chapter leaders/users in collaboration with the Chapter Executive Board. This policy meets the requirements of transparency and accountability and will prove to be user-friendly.
Our Chapter was spotlighted at a formal Celebration given by the Audubon Society of Rhode Island for designing and developing a beautiful new trail on the Maxwell Mays property in Coventry RI. A second trail will be developed in 2012.
Our Family Outings Committee activity grew through expanded committee membership, regular Gazette articles about FOC goals and activities, and through collaboration with many other children/family focused community groups. Young Members group activities were enhanced with the addition of a new leader and expanded promotion through social media sites
Our Chapter was well represented by members of our Executive Board at the tri-annual AMC Chapters’ Committee Weekend meetings.
Our Chapter website is regularly updated to meet AMC standards and to provide members and readers of current, important, and engaging photos and information. Soon a Meet Up pilot project will be launched to engage those who rely on social media sites for their outdoors activity information. Substantial member representation at a number of Rhode Island Conservation organizations’ projects and events such as Tree Planting events and Environmental Council Award Expos and Dinners, and repair of city parks walking trails. Focusing on safety, several workshops and refresher courses were provided to teach or renew skills related to kayaking, use of trail maintenance tools, wilderness first aid, and a very popular Family Introduction to Climbing event.
I am happy to report that the Chapter is on very solid financial footing. Our cash and investment reserves are up about 10% from this time last year and about even with our year-end figures. The increase from last October is mainly due to favorable investment performance during the last 9 months. The 3rd quarter was not good for investors, but returns have improved significantly and we are hopeful that we will be fully recovered by year-end. So you should take comfort in knowing that the Chapter is financially stable.
committee reports
Membership Committee Report
This past spring, an estimated 80 people attended our annual chapter Potluck Social for new, current and prospective new members. It took place at the Cathedral of St. John Episcopal in Providence, RI and was one of the best-attended potlucks ever! We all enjoyed a fun evening filled with delicious shared food and wonderful conversation. I am especially thankful to the following committee leaders who did a great job with their presentations: Debbie Mitchell (family outings); Linda Pease (conservation and flatwater paddling); Ed Poyer (backpacking and Northern hikes); Jeannine Peterson (technical climbing); Mike Krabach (sea kayaking) and Elise Delbarone (trails). A special thanks also goes out to volunteer members Mary Bonaventure and Marvin Kuznitz who worked hard behind the scenes to make sure the evening ran smoothly. We were very excited and encouraged by the fantastic turn out and we are looking forward to next year.
Our annual Spring Fling, which took place The Monastery in Cumberland, RI also attracted a great group of people and included events such as hiking, paddling, bicycling and other family activities. Everyone enjoyed the presentation given by Webmaster, Mike Krabach who spoke about his bike ride experience in Alaska. We were also lucky enough to have Lynn Davignon of the Rhode Island Beekeeper's Association provide a fascinating talk about the science of bees and beekeeping.
Our chapter is very fortunate that membership numbers continue to hold steady. We hope to provide more opportunities and attend events that attract new members and we are committed to exploring new and creative ways to increase our membership.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Kuznitz, Membership Chair
For 2011 the Conservation Committee was very busy again. We ran northern hikes at Mt. Wachusetts in mid Massachusetts and Bear Mountain/Sages Ravine in the Berkshires.
We ran activities in conjunction with the Trails Committee in Blackstone Park and Neutaconcanut Park in Providence. We also held our annual Master Gardeners/AMC backyard makeover at REI in Cranston as well as our annual Arbor Day tree planting.
We recruited people who are no longer in our chapter to run conservation activities for us. Tim Grover who is now a CT Chapter member and Terry Pinto who is a NH Chapter member. Tim ran a 3 Hour Mystery Tour in Arcadia in the Breakheart Pond section and Terry ran a hike on the 140 acre Melville Park with 5 nature trails and 8 ponds.
We are happy for their participation in our 2011 conservation efforts and hope to get them to run more activities in the future. We have one new conservation leader, Margie Parsons who was one of the leaders on the Mt. Wachusetts hike and she co-led a visit to the Lloyd Center. Larry Rollins, also new to the committee collaborated with Terry Pinto on the Melville Park event.
We ran the annual conservation flat-water paddle to Big River, which are always a big hit and the annual tree ID walk at the Spring Fling. The second annual Block Island bike ride, which includes exploring Rodman’s Hollow on foot, was very successful again.
A brand new activity for this year was a hike on Prudence Island that was fun for everyone and will be run again. Only one activity was cancelled and that was the visit to the corn maze in CT. It’s too bad because this farm has a different conservation theme each year. Those of us who went last year, had to work as a team to figure out the answers to the various questions posed at stops inside the maze. We didn’t make it out legally. We couldn’t find our way and ended up exiting from the entrance, which was only 20 feet from the actual exit. We’ll get it right next time.
In addition, we promoted non-AMC activities on “Moving to Alternative Energy.” and another one non-AMC event on Agriculture in RI, Estate Planning, Conservation, Easements, and Land Protection. We also provided information on the coming of the Longhorn beetle.
The Narragansett AMC Conservation Committee is a resource and provides many opportunities for folks who want to enjoy activities at a slower pace. We want you out and enjoying the great outdoors. To that end, we ran 18 activities this year. Conservation Committee members only need to lead or co-lead one activity per year to be on the Committee. We hope you’ll find this requirement easy enough for you to join us.
Linda Pease
Conservation Committee Chair
Trails Committee Report
On behalf of the AMC trails committee, thank you to the many volunteers who contributed a total of almost 1500 hours of trail work and on administrative duties. There were 17 volunteers who contributed in excess of 12 hours each. The following trails people put in at least 12 hours this year on trails projects and/o administration relative to those projects and should be recognized in the annual report and Elise will recognize them at the annual meeting.
Don Cordner
Bruce Crooks
Jennie Crooks
Martha Cruciani
Jim Dowling
Maria Earley
Bonnie England
Steve Higgins
Pete LaFreniere
Ken MacDonald
Chris Shafer
Dick Sullivan
Judy Van Wyk
Trail events are noted below -
List of maintenance performed includes:
Each trail was brushed as other work was performed
Cleared ditches and streams crossing the trails
Constructed fencing to block eroded areas
Surveyed areas for upcoming trails work/maintenance
Created signs
Replaced or installed waterbars
Clearing water drainage
Installed or maintained/repaired bridges
Installed or replaced worn out steps
Hardened muddy areas
Installed or maintained boardwalks
Removed blowdowns
We maintain about 50 miles of trails and we are always looking for volunteers or info on trails.
Best regards,
Elise Del Barone, Trails Sub-chair
Ski Committee Report
A Ski Committee planning meeting was held on Thursday, October 6, at which eight interested members were present. Several dates were confirmed for the upcoming ski season, two of which are already listed in the Gazette and will take place in January and February in the Bretton Woods area. Our annual instructional weekend, coordinated and led by Chris Shafer, will take place early February at Sargent Camp, near Peterborough, NH. New members and novice skiers, as well as intermediate skiers looking to pick up a few tips, are encouraged to attend. Additional day and weekend trips will be posted as final details are completed. A list service for interested members has been activated to avail interested parties of last-minute trips. A goal for the coming season is to identify potential new leaders and re-activate previous leaders.
For the season of 2010-2011, the following activities were held: Total
Jack Schempp – Weekend trips to the Bretton Woods, NH and Sunday River, Me. (3)
Chris Shafer- Weekend trip to Sargent Camp, NH (1)
Linda Pease and Chris Turgeon – Day trip to Carlisle, Mass. (1)
We remain forever optimistic that the snow will be bountiful, the season long and we will have many opportunities to ski.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Rollins, Skiing Sub-Chair
Biking Committee Report
This year we scheduled close to 40 weekend and mid week rides, Unfortunately Mother Nature isn’t into riding. Approximately ½ of our rides were cancelled due to rain…. even a hurricane! Due to low attendance last year, our Tuesday evening rides have been cut in half. Hopefully the 2012 cycling season will bring new enthusiastic riders. Several of the traditional rides, Clam Cake, Pasta Challenge rides, the Watch Hill ride, and the Bike Path rides unfortunately succumbed to wet weather. Why does it always rain on weekends!!
Several of our favorite leaders - Dick Schaffner, Sid Wax and Nancy Baker continue to lead with their hearts and give our AMC members a really good workout! Their love of cycling and the time they put into planning the rides is to be applauded. A new mid week series “Tuesdays at Ten” by the Rollins’s got a few people out midweek. One of the popular rides continues to be the Buzzards Bay Brewery ride. Exercise with beer on tap after…really great I commend EVERY bike leader and co-leader for their commitment to our chapter.
I look forward to working with our many bike leaders again and hopefully inspire new leaders for the 2012 DRY riding season.
Marcie Madsen, Biking Chair
Climbing Sub-Committee Report
The Climbing Sub-Committee had another very active and successful year. The climbing courses had a good enrollment this year with 18 students in the Beginner course and 16 in the Intermediate course. Many of the Intermediate students went on to climb with the group during the trips and we picked up a number of new members from local climbers and the local colleges. Two of our trips exceeded 30 registrants. A long standing problem is we don’t have enough climb leaders and we had to turn seconds away from the trips due to not having enough leaders to accommodate them. We held social events, classes, or trips in every month except December and March. Thanks to the ongoing support and efforts of this year’s trip leaders and co-leaders.
We hosted the Reel Rock Film Tour for the second year on October 5th at the Cable Car Cinema in Providence with REI. REI sponsored the cost of the film and provided gear for a raffle. It was very well attended selling out again for the third consecutive year.
Brian Phillips and Peter Barlow
Technical Climbing Co-Sub-chairs
We did have a White Water Rafting Trip on the Deerfield River, led by myself in partnership with Zoar outdoor. It is now being planned in advance for next year as the response was overwhelmingly positive. I hosted a YM social every month or so, 3 total this year. I did a walkabout trail snowshoe trip in February. I hosted the Arcadia camping weekend with CL William Gayle over 2 days in April. We hiked from stepstone falls to Mt Tom, and camped two nights near the stepstone falls. Our Facebook group is now up to 78 people, both members and prospective members. It is open to all. Our goal is to have a cycling leader and a northern hikes leader, as we find our members taking off with other chapters that host more cabin trips in the whites. I also ran a few ice skating socials in Providence.
Scott Disnard
Young Members Committee Sub-Chair
Backpacking & Northern Hikes Report
We’ve enjoyed another excellent and safe year of hiking and backpacking. This year our group sponsored 28 activities run by 20 leaders and co-leaders. Our leaders provided activities ranging from the popular day hikes in the Pack-Monadnock and the Holyoke ranges to winter trips above tree line in the White Mountains. Hikes were offered in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine. In addition to day hikes, we offered backpack trips in New Hampshire. We enjoyed an overnighter to the renovated Madison Spring Hut, where we enjoyed the outstanding work done by the designer and construction crew.
All of our leaders continue with their Wilderness First Aid / CPR training and some have maintained their Wilderness First Responder certification. Four of our leaders are instructors at AMC’s Mountain Leadership School; one is now the School Director. Some of our leaders offer club-wide events, and one of our leaders led hikes at “August Camp” again this year. Our leaders also serve as resources to the Leadership Development Committee for workshops and trips.
The committee again offered workshops in map & compass and winter mountain safety, which were well attended and very well received. Our Step by Step hiking series, which trains new hikers to mountain hiking skills and conditions, continued to attract much interest, thanks to the commitment of our leaders.
Thank you to our northern hikes leaders and co-leaders who offered us so many fun, challenging, well run and reasonably priced activities this year.
Ed Poyer, Sub-Chair,
Backpacking & Northern Hiking Sub-Committee
Local Hikes Report
There are two things that characterized local hikes here in Rhode Island and some parts of Massachusetts where local hikes are held. The most impressive this year and last has been the number of leaders leading hikes to all parts of this state. Leaders are leading them about every day of the week for those that want to go. One new addition is the popular dog hikes. The weather is the second. It was a tough winter with heavy snowfall and a late
wet spring. The snowfall did offer some beautiful scenic days of hiking.
On the behalf of the chapter I want to thank those new and established hike leaders for leading hikes for us this year and assisting new co-leaders. There will always be a need for new leaders to help lead every year. It is the co-leaders and hike leaders that is the heart and soul for local hikes for this chapter. I am stepping down after 5 years performing the Sub Chair duties. To just say I enjoyed doing it would be an understatement. Where else would I have had such a wonderful? time getting to know so many from so many back grounds, with so many interests while making so many friends.
Respectfully Yours,
Herrick Spencer Sub-Chair, Local Hikes
During 2011 the Family Outing Committee, offered 13 family-oriented events - a variety of events/activities including family strolls and hikes, paddling, tree planting, conservation and trail work, and rock climbing . Our thanks and appreciation goes out to the following leaders and co-leaders for offering activities with families during the past year:
- Karen Hoey (Worcester chapter)
- Tammy Kerr
- Debbie Mitchell
- Linda Pease
- Jeannine Peterson
- Matt Putnam
- Chris Shafer
We are excited to have new committee members this year, Lyle Goldstein and Kathy Raposa. Kathy will be co-leading a hike at Rome Point in January. We also would like to thank the following groups for allowing us to participate in families activities with them, all of us having the common goal of getting more children and families outdoors enjoying nature:
-RI Families in Nature
-Neutoconkanut Hill Conservancy
- RI Parks (RI Outdoor Pursuit)
-New Dawn Earth Center
- Girl Scouts of RI
Submitted by:
Debbie Mitchell and Tom Eagan,
Family Outing Sub-Committee Chairs
Leadership Development Committee Report
During 2011 our Committee continued to support the activities committees’ leader development. We worked with other committee chairs and sub-chairs, and are substantially helped by the general membership.
The annual Wilderness First Aid Workshop was held on April 9 and 10 at Camp Hoffman, and was attended by 39 students, of which 6 were chapter leaders, 16 others were chapter members and 14 were non-members. This course was coordinated by former Leadership Development Chair Charlie Killam with steadfast help from registrar Linda Pease.
In May, the committee ran the annual Map and Compass Workshop and Field Practice, instructed by Ed Poyer, Charlie Killam, Bob Janus, Scott Sprague and Denise Poyer.
Ed Poyer, Chair
Leadership Development Committee
Flatwater Paddle Report
This year the chapter offered 10 flatwater paddles, 4 paddles in conjunction with the WPWA, and 8 sea kayaking paddles. We offered 5 informal rescue practices and one formal daylong flatwater training session. We had to cancel one flatwater and one sea kayaking paddle due to weather. We also had the annual Moon Island kayak camping on Squam Lake, and intermediate and beginners kayaking day trips on Lake Winnipesaukee during our Camp Winaukee weekend over the Labor day weekend. For beginners we had a repeat of our enjoyable flatwater paddle on Ninigret Pond, from the new launch site at old Naval airfield, over to East beach for an afternoon lounging on the beach. For more advanced paddling, we had beautiful weather for our annual paddle in Boston Harbor from the Neponset River Park to Ft. Warren on Georges Island. Paddle rescue sessions were not attended as much as desired, but the opportunity was offered for those that needed practice. A total of 27 paddle outings, trips, and practice sessions were offered in 2011.
Year 2011 Qualifiers for Narragansett Chapter Leader Patch:
Carol Baldwin (Local Hiking)
Virginia Calabrese (Local Hiking)
Don Cordner (Trails)
Tom Freeman (Local Hiking)
Steve Harrington (Local Hiking)
Jill Keating (Local Hiking)
Gail Larkin (Bicycling)
Deborah Laughlin (Local Hiking)
Mercedes Rivero (Local Hiking – hikes with dogs)
Sarah Rich (Technical Climbing)
Mary Alice Smith (Local Hiking)
Ed Sousa (Northern Hiking)
Judy Van Wyk (Local Hiking – hikes with dogs)
Paul Wynn (Local Hiking)
Gretchen Yealy (Local Hiking & Northern Hiking)
Prolific Leaders- Led/Co-Led/Administered Several 2010 and 2011 Activities:
Nancy Baker (Bicycling)
Sandy Barber (Paddling, Conservation, and Local Hiking)
Peter Barlow (Technical Climbing)
Susan Boland (Local Hiking)
Antoinette Breed (Flatwater Paddling/Local Hiking)
Ray Bucacci (Sea Kayaking)
Kristin Caproni (Local Hiking& Conservation)
Jennie Crooks (Trails)
Henry Cruciani (Trails)
Patty D’Ambra (Conservation & Local Hiking)
Aram Deradoorian (Local Hiking)
Scott Disnard (Young Adult Events, Local Hiking & Conservation)
Jim Dowling (Trails)
Maria Earley (Local Hiking & Trails)
Bonnie England (Local Hiking)
Wendy Farr (Local Hiking)
Prolific Leaders- Led/Co-Led/Administered Several 2010 and 2011 Activities (continued):
Yvonne Federowicz (Conservation & Local Hiking)
Barbara Flagg (Bicycling , Flatwater Paddling/Sea Kayaking & Conservation)
Janet Harris (Local Hiking)
Steve Harrison (Northern Hiking)
Pam Hill (Local Hiking)
Charlie Killam (Northern Hiking & Leadership Training Events)
Mike Krabach (Sea Kayaking)
Marcie Madsen (Bicycling & Local Hiking)
Mike Martin (Northern Hiking & Local Hiking)
Debra Mitchell (Family Hikes)
David Natale (Local Hiking and Bicycling)
Gregg O’Brien (Wednesday Night Hikes & Flatwater Paddling)
Mike Parker (Trails & Local Hiking)
Margaret Parsons (Local Hiking, Northern Hiking, & Conservation)
Linda Pease (Conservation, Flatwater Paddling, Bicycling, Skiing, Northern Hiking, & Local Hiking)
Brian Phillips (Technical Climbing)
Ed Poyer (Northern Hiking & Leadership Training Events)
Matt Putnam (Local Hiking, Family Outings, Paddling & Conservation)
Bob Richardson (Local Hiking)
Larry Rollins (Bicycling & Conservation)
Bill Rush (Sea Kayaking, Flatwater Paddling and Bicycling)
Richard Schaffner (Bicycling)
Jack Schempp (Conservation, Skiing, Northern Hiking, & Local Hiking)
Chris Shafer (Trails, Skiing, & Hiking)
Herrick Spencer (Local Hiking, Paddling, & Conservation)
John Stevens (Local Hiking, Northern Hiking & Conservation)
Dick Sullivan (Local Hiking)
Sue Warthman (Northern Hiking)
Sid Wax (Bicycling & Local Hiking)
Thanks to Other Year 2011 Outdoor Leaders, Also! :
-Dennis McCarthy, Steve Morra, Carol Richards, Sue Rollins, Jane Vieira (Bicycling)
-Tim Grover, Dennis McCarthy, Terri Pinto, Cherine Whitney (Conservation)
-Karen Hoey, Tammy Kerr (Family Outings)
-Donna Chellis, Al Diorio, John Feather, Patty Gold, Trish Griffin, Roberta, Jacobs, John Ross,
Karen Stein, Gail Trapp, Chris Turgeon (Local Hiking)
-Bernardo Aumond, Jim Dunn, Tom Grasso, Paula Guarino, Bob Janus, Herb Kingsbury, Joe Piotti,
Denise Poyer, Tracy Sweeney (Northern Hiking)
-Anne Fusco, Janet Huntley, Cherine Whitney, Gary Whitney (Paddling)
-Dan Kutcher, Greg Mannesto, Chris Turgeon (Skiing)
-Diane DeGroof, Joe Goudreau, Jeannine Peterson, Steve Prouty, Chris Tate, Alan Winsor
(Technical Climbing)
-Roy Benoit, Robert Benjamin, Martha Cruciani, Elise Delbarone, Marjorie Gaunt, Anne LeClerc,
Lennon Schroeder (Trails)
-William Gayle (Young Adults)